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Virtual Speech Therapy Endorsements from Around the World

Updated: May 17, 2023

Virtual Therapy, teletherapy, telepractice, telehealth...these are some of the names used for providing Speech Therapy via the computer. Teletherapy uses video conferencing software (like Skype, Gotomeeting, Zoom...etc.) to connect a Speech Therapist to their client. Speech sessions are live, face to face, and real time with audio connection. Here are what Speech Therapy Associations around the world have to say about Virtual Therapy:

USA: According to the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), “Telemedicine (telepractice) is defined as the provision of health services over a telecommunications network. In practice, telemedicine uses high-speed interactive video and remote computing applications to provide speech-language and hearing services to consumers living in underserved areas.Responding to the growing utilization of telemedicine technology, ASHA published position statements and technical reports in 2005 indicating that telemedicine was appropriate for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. A key principle of the 2005 ASHA telepractice position statements is that the quality of telepractice services should be equal to that of services dispensed face-to-face. ASHA policy documents concerning SLP and audiology telemedicine applications are available at the ASHA website.

UK: The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists describes Teletherapy as, "the remote delivery of professional health services via telecommunications technology. Telehealth is often used interchangeably with telemedicine, telepractice and, in the case of speech and language therapy, synonymously with telespeech and teleslp."

Australia: Speech Pathology Australia says, "Telepractice is the application of telecommunications technology to deliver clinical services at a distance by linking clinician to client, caregiver, or any person(s) responsible for delivering care to the client, for the purposes of assessment, intervention, consultation and/or supervision. Integral to telepractice is the delivery of clinical services over any distance that are guided, monitored, or modified by a speech pathologist for each unique client or clinical purpose. Telepractice has the potential to increase access to speech pathology services across the life span. “Telepractice” can also be known by these terms: telehealth, telerehabilitation, telespeech, or teleSLP."

Canada: "Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC) endorses the use of telepractice in both speech-language pathology and audiology as a means of improving access to services provided by fully qualified professionals. SAC members who provide services via telepractice are expected to adhere to the SAC Code of Ethics (2005) and privacy legislation and abide by guidelines established by the regulatory body of the province in which they reside. Members may provide services via telepractice if they determine that it is in the best interests of their clients. Members shall base telepractice on best evidence and encourage ongoing research in this field."



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