Do Virtual Special Education Services Really Work?
The short answer is YES! Virtual or online therapy works just as well as onsite therapy. Virtually ConnectEd’s founders have been...
Do Virtual Special Education Services Really Work?
Sensory Activities To Do At Home
5 Fun Activities to Boost Language Learning
Fun Oral Motor Exercises to Increase Strength and Coordination
Let Your Wiggly Kids Wiggle!
Ways a Speech Therapist Can Help Your Child
Holiday Language Activities to do with your Child
5 Tips on How to Manage the Holidays With a Special Needs Child
To Test or Not to Test for Learning Differences: The Fear of Labeling
Does My Child Have a Speech or Language Delay?
Virtual Therapy for Young Children
5 Fun Speech and Language Games for in the Car
Finding the Perfect Speech Therapist
Speech Therapy and Motivation
What does a Virtual Speech Session look like?